Haskell roguelike - Sticky light

Posted on April 2, 2018

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Remembering what was seen

In the previous chapter the player could only see what was in their immediate fov. This is often used for example if you are in a dark room and are carrying a light source etc. Another option is to reveal tiles in the player’s fov and not hide them again as the player moves. This feels more like its about discovery than a light source. You can choose which style suites your game best or use both in different circumstances, e.g. different rooms / levels.

I’m going to change the style for the remainder of the tutorial to use “sticky light”, once a tile is revealed it remains so regardless of fov.

The actor is given a new property acFovHistory which uses a Data.Set to store all world coordinates that were ever in the fov.

11_sticky_light/src/GameCore.hs (33 to 33)
  , _acFovHistory :: !(Set WorldPos)

updateActorFov is changed to update the acFovHistory each time a new fov is calculated. It does this by passing the fov positions as a list to Data.Set.union to combine them with the existing set.

11_sticky_light/src/GameEngine.hs (423 to 428)
updateActorFov :: World -> Actor -> Actor
updateActorFov w a =
 -- Calculate field of view
 let fov = calcFov (a ^. acFovDistance) (isTransparent $ w ^. wdMap) (a ^. acWorldPos) in
 a & acFov .~ Just fov
   & acFovHistory %~ Set.union (Set.fromList $ flatFov (Just fov))

All that is then needed is for the history to be used in darknessFovOverlay. I.e. remove the positions in acFovHistory from the blackBg map

11_sticky_light/src/GameEngine.hs (575 to 591)
darknessFovOverlay :: Player -> Actor -> Map PlayerPos Tile
darknessFovOverlay player actor =
    (screenWidth, screenHeight) = player ^. plScreenSize

    -- Create a full grid of darkness
    blackBg = Map.fromList [ (PlayerPos (x, y), E.getTile E.Dark)
                           | x <- [0..(screenWidth - 1)]
                           , y <- [0..(screenHeight - 1)]

    lightAt = worldCoordToPlayer (player ^. plWorldTopLeft) <$> flatFov (actor ^. acFov)
    seen = worldCoordToPlayer (player ^. plWorldTopLeft) <$> Set.toList (actor ^. acFovHistory)
  -- Remove the darkness overlay at any position that is to be lit
  --  I.e. any position in the field of view, or previously in the field of view
  foldr Map.delete blackBg $ lightAt <> seen


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diff -w -B -a -d -u -b --new-file 10_fov/src/GameCore.hs 11_sticky_light/src/GameCore.hs
--- 10_fov/src/GameCore.hs
+++ 11_sticky_light/src/GameCore.hs
@@ -28,10 +28,11 @@
                    , _acEntity :: !Entity
                    , _acWorldPos :: !WorldPos
                    , _acStdGen :: !Rnd.StdGen
                    , _acFov :: !(Maybe [(WorldPos, [WorldPos])])
-                   , _acFovDistance :: !Int
+                   , _acFovHistory :: !(Set WorldPos)
+                   , _acFovDistance :: !Int
 data Player = Player { _plConn :: !Host.Connection


diff -w -B -a -d -u -b --new-file 10_fov/src/GameEngine.hs 11_sticky_light/src/GameEngine.hs
--- 10_fov/src/GameEngine.hs
+++ 11_sticky_light/src/GameEngine.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 module GameEngine where
 import Protolude hiding (Map)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import           Data.Map.Strict (Map)
 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
 import qualified Data.List as Lst
@@ -142,6 +140,7 @@
             , _acStdGen = std
             , _acFovDistance = 3
             , _acFov = Nothing
+            , _acFovHistory = Set.empty
     mkEnemyActor aid e (x, y) =
@@ -152,6 +151,7 @@
             , _acStdGen = std
             , _acFovDistance = 2
             , _acFov = Nothing
+            , _acFovHistory = Set.empty
@@ -431,10 +420,12 @@
 updateActorFov :: World -> Actor -> Actor
 updateActorFov w a =
-  a & acFov .~ Just (calcFov (a ^. acFovDistance) (isTransparent $ w ^. wdMap) (a ^. acWorldPos))
+ -- Calculate field of view
+ let fov = calcFov (a ^. acFovDistance) (isTransparent $ w ^. wdMap) (a ^. acWorldPos) in
+ a & acFov .~ Just fov
+   & acFovHistory %~ Set.union (Set.fromList $ flatFov (Just fov))
@@ -603,10 +584,11 @@
     lightAt = worldCoordToPlayer (player ^. plWorldTopLeft) <$> flatFov (actor ^. acFov)
+    seen = worldCoordToPlayer (player ^. plWorldTopLeft) <$> Set.toList (actor ^. acFovHistory)
   -- Remove the darkness overlay at any position that is to be lit
-  foldr Map.delete blackBg lightAt
+  --  I.e. any position in the field of view, or previously in the field of view
+  foldr Map.delete blackBg $ lightAt <> seen


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