Haskell roguelike - Utility AI annotations

Posted on April 2, 2018

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Understanding utility system decisions

You can often graph your utility functions to see and design how they interact. This is major benefit as you can quickly visualise complex behaviour. Sometimes you may also want to have a trace of how the utilities scored at runtime. Typically this would only be needed during the early development phase.

This chapter shows one way that you can add annotations to the utility system using the writer monad. This is entirely optional. You can skip this section if you don’t need this feature or if you don’t want to use Writer.

Writer, not logging

Instead of using Writer you could use one of the logging packages (di etc). What I’m wanting to do here fits much better with a Writer than a logger though. I’m only interested in what actually gets selected and if the system crashes I don’t care that the writer state gets lost. I specifically just want an annotated result only for the selected world, not all speculatively executed ones. If however you do want logs then definitely don’t use Writer.

Skip this chapter if you do not need the annotations or are not comfortable with the writer monad.



import Data.DList (DList)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (Writer)

I’m using a strict writer to try avoid space leak issues, and Data.DList which provides O(1) appending.

Annotation entries

Lets use a sum type to define the type of annotations we will be adding

14_utility_annotate/src/GameCore.hs (127 to 132)
data UtilAnnotationEntry = UeAt Text
                         | UeSelectTopNone Text
                         | UeSelectTopAbove Float 
                         | UeSelectTopOne Float Text Impulse Text
                         | UeNote Text
                         deriving (Show)

This gives us the type of the annotator

14_utility_annotate/src/GameCore.hs (30 to 30)
type UtilAnnotator m = Writer (DList UtilAnnotationEntry) m

Storing the annotations

The actor’s utilities need to use the annotator.

14_utility_annotate/src/GameCore.hs (50 to 50)
  , _acUtilities :: ![World -> Actor -> [PathTo] -> UtilAnnotator ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)]

The world gets a property in which the latest annotations can be stored. This way its possible to get the annotations and display them to the user (e.g. print to the console)

14_utility_annotate/src/GameCore.hs (72 to 72)
  , _wdUtilBrainAnnotations :: ![(E.EntityType, [UtilAnnotationEntry], [UtilAnnotationEntry])]

Annotations in the utility brain

import qualified Data.DList as DLst
import           Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (tell, MonadWriter)

telld is a helper that calls Data.Monad.Writer.Strict.tell with a single DList element.

14_utility_annotate/src/UtilityBrain.hs (28 to 29)
telld :: MonadWriter (DLst.DList a) m => a -> m ()
telld t = tell (DLst.singleton t)

The utility brain functions are then changed to return a UtilAnnotator a where a was whatever they were returning before. These changes are not terribly interesting so I’ll only show one of them. See the diff below to see the others

14_utility_annotate/src/UtilityBrain.hs (151 to 162)
utilityOfInfatuation :: World -> Actor -> [PathTo] -> UtilAnnotator ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)
utilityOfInfatuation world actor allPaths = do
  telld . UeAt $ "Infatuation: " <> show (length allPaths) -- debugShowPathTos allPaths --show (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsSmitten)

  let rule x = clamp $ -x ** 4 + clamp (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsSmitten) 
  let clampedResults = moveTowardsUtil (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsSmittenWith) rule allPaths actor

  let (r, _) = ((\(p, score) -> (score, actor, ImpMoveTowards (path p), "infatuation", Just p)) <$> clampedResults, world)
  let r2 = (\(f, _, _, _, _) -> showF f) <$> r
  telld . UeNote $ "infatuation: " <> show r2
  pure ((\(p, score) -> (score, actor, ImpMoveTowards (path p), "infatuation", Just p)) <$> clampedResults, world)

assessUtilities has to change from using fold' to foldM as we are now folding over the Writer monad results.

14_utility_annotate/src/UtilityBrain.hs (72 to 82)
assessUtilities :: [PathTo] -> World -> Actor -> UtilAnnotator ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)
assessUtilities paths world actor = do
  (rs, wNext) <- foldM assess ([], world) (actor ^. acUtilities)
  ranked <- rankUtility rs
  pure (ranked, wNext)
    assess (hist, w) u = do
      let a = fromMaybe actor $ w ^. wdActors ^.at (actor ^. acId) 
      (rs, wNext) <- u w a paths
      pure (hist <> rs, wNext)

Calling the annotated utility brain

moveAllNonPlayers in playerMoving is changed to get annotated results from assessUtilities and selectTopUtility.

14_utility_annotate/src/GameEngine.hs (797 to 802)
  moveAllNonPlayers w =
    let mv aOrig wOrig =
            inFov = findPathToAllInFov wOrig aOrig 
            ((utilities, wNext), annAssess) = runWriter $ UB.assessUtilities inFov wOrig aOrig 
            (topUtil, annTop) = runWriter $ UB.selectTopUtility utilities

Then the annotations are added the selected world using addAnn which is a helper that adds the annotation to the world’s *wdUtilBrainAnnotations)

14_utility_annotate/src/GameEngine.hs (805 to 823)
              annotation = (aOrig ^. acEntity ^. enType, DLst.toList annAssess, DLst.toList annTop)
              addAnn w' = w' & wdUtilBrainAnnotations %~ (annotation :)

            case topUtil of
              Nothing ->
                -- No utility = no move, skip
                updateActorById (addAnn wNext) (aOrig ^. acId) (\a -> a & acSkipMove .~ True)

              Just (_, actorIfMoved, action, _, _) ->
                let cost = floor . fromIntegral $ aOrig ^. acMoveEnergyCost in
                if cost > B.get (aOrig ^. acEnergy)
                  -- Not enough energy to move, disallow. Set skipMove = True so this is not attempted again before
                  -- the next actor move (i.e. avoid looping)
                  wNext & wdActors %~ Map.insert (aOrig ^. acId) (aOrig & acSkipMove .~ True)
                  actOnImpulse cost (addAnn wNext) actorIfMoved action

Printing the results

Printing the annotations to the console has worked well enough for my testing. You also could send it to the UI and display in a nicer format if you wanted.

runCmd gets the current annotations, clears the history and prints them

14_utility_annotate/src/GameEngine.hs (216 to 256)
      let annotations = w2 ^. wdUtilBrainAnnotations 
      atomically $ modifyTVar' worldV (\w -> w & wdUtilBrainAnnotations .~ [])
      printAnnotations annotations

      -- Draw
      drawAndSend w2

    _ ->
      sendError conn $ "Unknown command: " <> cmd

    updatePlayer f = atomically $ modifyTVar' worldV (\w -> w & wdPlayer %~ f)

    printAnnotations as = do
      putText ""
      putText ""
      putText ""
      putText ""
      putText "***** Utility Annotations **************"
      traverse_ printAnnotation as
      putText "****************************************"
      putText ""

    printAnnotation (e, assess, top)  = do
      putText ""
      putText $ "-----------------------" <> show e
      putText "  -- assess --"
      putText . Txt.intercalate "\n" $ showEntries <$> assess
      putText ""
      putText "  -- top --"
      putText . Txt.intercalate "\n" $ showEntries <$> top
      putText "-----------------------"

    showEntries :: UtilAnnotationEntry -> Text
    showEntries e =
      case e of
        UeAt a -> "    At: " <> a
        UeSelectTopNone n -> "    No utils: " <> n
        UeSelectTopAbove f  -> "    Top above: " <> showF f
        UeSelectTopOne val n i d -> "    Select top one: " <> n <> ", impulse=" <> show i <> ", score=" <> showF val <> "," <> d
        UeNote n -> "    Note: " <> n

Here is an example of what the output will look like

***** Utility Annotations **************                              
  -- assess --                                                        
    At: Wander                                                        
    At: WanderToExit                                                  
  -- top --                                                           
    At: select top                                                    
    Top above: 0.07                                                   
    Select top one: wander, impulse=ImpMoveRandom, score=0.07,selected


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diff -w -B -a -d -u -b --new-file 13_utility/src/GameCore.hs 14_utility_annotate/src/GameCore.hs
--- 13_utility/src/GameCore.hs
+++ 14_utility_annotate/src/GameCore.hs
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
 module GameCore where
 import           Protolude hiding (Map)
+import qualified Numeric as Num
 import qualified Data.Text as Txt
 import           Data.Map.Strict (Map)
+import           Data.DList (DList)
 import qualified Data.Aeson as Ae
 import qualified System.Random as Rnd
 import           Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses)
+import           Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (Writer)
 import qualified GameHost as Host
 import qualified EntityType as E
@@ -24,6 +27,9 @@
 newtype Aid = Aid Text deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+type UtilAnnotator m = Writer (DList UtilAnnotationEntry) m
 data Actor = Actor { _acId :: !Aid
                    , _acClass :: !ActorClass
                    , _acEntity :: !Entity
@@ -36,12 +42,13 @@
                    , _acMoveEnergyCost :: !Int
                    , _acSkipMove :: !Bool
                    -- | List of utilities in order of execution
                    --    Note that the world is threaded through the utilities and can be updated (i.e. in the ([], World) result)
                    --    The array of results has an updated actor and a score. These are speculative, and are only applied
                    --    if that utility is selected. The world updates are kept even if nothing is selected
-                   , _acUtilities :: ![World -> Actor -> [PathTo] -> ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)]
+                   , _acUtilities :: ![World -> Actor -> [PathTo] -> UtilAnnotator ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)]
                    -- | The actor's disposition - the values that define the actors personality
                    , _acDisposition :: !Disposition
@@ -62,6 +68,9 @@
                    , _wdActors :: !(Map Aid Actor)
                    , _wdMinMoveEnergy :: !Int   -- ^ min energy required before any more, regardless of cost, can be attempted
                    , _wdEnergyIncrements :: !Int -- ^ amount of energy that is added per game loop
+                   , _wdUtilBrainAnnotations :: ![(E.EntityType, [UtilAnnotationEntry], [UtilAnnotationEntry])]
 data Config = Config { _cfgKeys :: !(Map Text Text)
@@ -107,18 +113,23 @@
             | PathToActor Path Actor WorldPos
             | PathToPlayer Path Player WorldPos
 data Impulse = ImpMoveTowards Path
              | ImpMoveRandom
+             deriving (Show)
 data Disposition = Disposition { _dsSmitten :: Float
                                , _dsWanderlust :: Float
                                , _dsWanderlustToExits :: Float
                                , _dsSmittenWith :: [E.EntityType]
-                               } 
+                               } deriving (Show)
+data UtilAnnotationEntry = UeAt Text
+                         | UeSelectTopNone Text
+                         | UeSelectTopAbove Float 
+                         | UeSelectTopOne Float Text Impulse Text
+                         | UeNote Text
+                         deriving (Show)
@@ -179,6 +190,9 @@
     mkLower t = Txt.toLower (Txt.take 1 t) <> Txt.drop 1 t
+showF :: Float -> Text
+showF x = Txt.pack $ Num.showFFloat (Just 2) x ""
 makeLenses ''World
 makeLenses ''Config
 makeLenses ''Player


diff -w -B -a -d -u -b --new-file 13_utility/src/GameEngine.hs 14_utility_annotate/src/GameEngine.hs
--- 13_utility/src/GameEngine.hs
+++ 14_utility_annotate/src/GameEngine.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
 import qualified Data.List as Lst
 import qualified Data.List.Index as Lst
+import qualified Data.DList as DLst
 import qualified Data.Text as Txt
 import qualified Data.Text.IO as Txt
 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TxtE
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@
 import qualified System.Random as Rnd
 import           Control.Lens (at, _1, (^.), (.~), (%~))
 import qualified Control.Arrow as Ar
+import           Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (runWriter)
 import           Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, readTVar, newTVar, modifyTVar', TVar)
 import           GameCore
@@ -107,6 +109,7 @@
                , _wdMinMoveEnergy = 100
                , _wdEnergyIncrements = 20
+               , _wdUtilBrainAnnotations = []
   -- Calculate the actors fov
@@ -205,6 +208,15 @@
       -- Get the updated world
       w2 <- atomically $ readTVar worldV
+      -- Handle the annotations
+      -- This is not terribly pretty as its doing a select for update, but its good enough for debugging
+      -- the annotation code can be removed once everything is working
+      let annotations = w2 ^. wdUtilBrainAnnotations 
+      atomically $ modifyTVar' worldV (\w -> w & wdUtilBrainAnnotations .~ [])
+      printAnnotations annotations
       -- Draw
       drawAndSend w2
@@ -214,6 +226,36 @@
     updatePlayer f = atomically $ modifyTVar' worldV (\w -> w & wdPlayer %~ f)
+    printAnnotations as = do
+      putText ""
+      putText ""
+      putText ""
+      putText ""
+      putText "***** Utility Annotations **************"
+      traverse_ printAnnotation as
+      putText "****************************************"
+      putText ""
+    printAnnotation (e, assess, top)  = do
+      putText ""
+      putText $ "-----------------------" <> show e
+      putText "  -- assess --"
+      putText . Txt.intercalate "\n" $ showEntries <$> assess
+      putText ""
+      putText "  -- top --"
+      putText . Txt.intercalate "\n" $ showEntries <$> top
+      putText "-----------------------"
+    showEntries :: UtilAnnotationEntry -> Text
+    showEntries e =
+      case e of
+        UeAt a -> "    At: " <> a
+        UeSelectTopNone n -> "    No utils: " <> n
+        UeSelectTopAbove f  -> "    Top above: " <> showF f
+        UeSelectTopOne val n i d -> "    Select top one: " <> n <> ", impulse=" <> show i <> ", score=" <> showF val <> "," <> d
+        UeNote n -> "    Note: " <> n
 sendLog :: Host.Connection -> Text -> IO ()
 sendLog conn err =
@@ -756,13 +798,18 @@
       let mv aOrig wOrig =
               inFov = findPathToAllInFov wOrig aOrig 
-              (utilities, wNext) = UB.assessUtilities inFov wOrig aOrig 
+              ((utilities, wNext), annAssess) = runWriter $ UB.assessUtilities inFov wOrig aOrig 
+              (topUtil, annTop) = runWriter $ UB.selectTopUtility utilities
+              annotation = (aOrig ^. acEntity ^. enType, DLst.toList annAssess, DLst.toList annTop)
+              addAnn w' = w' & wdUtilBrainAnnotations %~ (annotation :)
-            case UB.selectTopUtility utilities of
+            case topUtil of
               Nothing ->
                 -- No utility = no move, skip
-                updateActorById wNext (aOrig ^. acId) (\a -> a & acSkipMove .~ True)
+                updateActorById (addAnn wNext) (aOrig ^. acId) (\a -> a & acSkipMove .~ True)
               Just (_, actorIfMoved, action, _, _) ->
                 let cost = floor . fromIntegral $ aOrig ^. acMoveEnergyCost in
@@ -773,7 +820,8 @@
                   -- the next actor move (i.e. avoid looping)
                   wNext & wdActors %~ Map.insert (aOrig ^. acId) (aOrig & acSkipMove .~ True)
-                  actOnImpulse cost wNext actorIfMoved action
+                  actOnImpulse cost (addAnn wNext) actorIfMoved action
       let actorsThatCanMove = filter


diff -w -B -a -d -u -b --new-file 13_utility/src/UtilityBrain.hs 14_utility_annotate/src/UtilityBrain.hs
--- 13_utility/src/UtilityBrain.hs
+++ 14_utility_annotate/src/UtilityBrain.hs
@@ -15,15 +14,21 @@
 import Protolude 
 import qualified Data.List as Lst
+import qualified Data.DList as DLst
 import qualified System.Random as Rnd
 import qualified Control.Arrow as Ar
 import           Control.Lens
+import           Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (tell, MonadWriter)
 import           GameCore
 import qualified EntityType as E
+telld :: MonadWriter (DLst.DList a) m => a -> m ()
+telld t = tell (DLst.singleton t)
 path :: PathTo -> Path
 path (PathToEntity p _ _) = p
 path (PathToActor p _ _) = p
@@ -29,15 +34,19 @@
 path (PathToActor p _ _) = p
 path (PathToPlayer p _ _) = p
 selectTopUtility :: [(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)]
-                 -> Maybe (Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)
-selectTopUtility rs = 
+                 -> UtilAnnotator (Maybe (Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo))
+selectTopUtility rs = do
+  telld $ UeAt "select top"
   case rs of
-      [] -> Nothing
+      [] -> do
+        telld $ UeSelectTopNone "No utilities"
+        pure Nothing
+      (u@(v0,a0,i0,n0,_):_) -> do
+        telld $ UeSelectTopAbove (v0 - 0.001)
-      (u@(v0,a0,_,_,_):_) -> do
         -- Get the results with the top scores (fuzzy match)
         let top = Lst.takeWhile (\(v2,_,_,_,_) -> v2 >= v0 - 0.001) rs 
@@ -47,40 +56,36 @@
               (Rnd.randomR (0, length top - 1) rndA, rndB') 
         case atMay top idx of
-          Just (s, a, i, n, p) -> Just (s, a & acStdGen .~ rndB, i, n, p)
-          Nothing -> Just u
+          Just (s, a, i, n, p) -> do
+            telld $ UeSelectTopOne s n i "selected"
+            pure $ Just (s, a & acStdGen .~ rndB, i, n, p)
+          Nothing -> do
+            telld $ UeSelectTopOne v0 n0 i0 $ "Nothing at index, using zero: " <> show idx
+            pure $ Just u
 -- | See the docs on acUtilities
 -- | Mainly that the world is threaded through utilities and any updates are kept even if no/other utilities are selected
 -- | The actor in the results are speculative and only the actor for the selected utility gets used
-assessUtilities :: [PathTo] -> World -> Actor -> ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)
-assessUtilities paths world actor =
-  let
-    (rs, wNext) = foldl' assess ([], world) (actor ^. acUtilities)
-    ranked = rankUtility rs
-  in
-  (ranked, wNext)
-  where
-    assess (hist, w) u =
-      let
-        a = fromMaybe actor $ w ^. wdActors ^.at (actor ^. acId) 
-        (rs, wNext) = u w a paths
-      in
-      (hist <> rs, wNext)
+assessUtilities :: [PathTo] -> World -> Actor -> UtilAnnotator ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)
+assessUtilities paths world actor = do
+  (rs, wNext) <- foldM assess ([], world) (actor ^. acUtilities)
+  ranked <- rankUtility rs
+  pure (ranked, wNext)
+  where
+    assess (hist, w) u = do
+      let a = fromMaybe actor $ w ^. wdActors ^.at (actor ^. acId) 
+      (rs, wNext) <- u w a paths
+      pure (hist <> rs, wNext)
-rankUtility :: [(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)] -> [(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)]
+rankUtility :: [(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)] -> UtilAnnotator [(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)]
 rankUtility us = 
-  Lst.reverse $ Lst.sortOn (\(x, _, _, _, _) -> x) us
+  pure . Lst.reverse $ Lst.sortOn (\(x, _, _, _, _) -> x) us
 clamp :: Float -> Float
@@ -129,35 +130,36 @@
         Just $ distance / maxDist
+utilityOfWander :: World -> Actor -> [PathTo] -> UtilAnnotator ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)
+utilityOfWander world actor _paths = do
+  telld $ UeAt "Wander"
+  let rule = clamp $ 0.02 * (10 * clamp (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsWanderlust)) 
+  pure ([(rule, actor, ImpMoveRandom, "wander", Nothing)], world)
-utilityOfWander :: World -> Actor -> [PathTo] -> ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)
-utilityOfWander world actor _paths = 
-  let rule = clamp $ 0.02 * (10 * clamp (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsWanderlust)) in
-  ([(rule, actor, ImpMoveRandom, "wander", Nothing)], world)
+utilityOfWanderToExit :: World -> Actor -> [PathTo] -> UtilAnnotator ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)
+utilityOfWanderToExit world actor allPaths = do
+  telld $ UeAt "WanderToExit"
+  let rule x = clamp $ 1 - (0.04 * x + (1.24 - clamp (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsWanderlustToExits))) 
+  let clampedResults = moveTowardsUtil [E.Door] rule allPaths actor
+  pure ((\(p, score) -> (score, actor, ImpMoveTowards (path p), "wander to exit", Just p)) <$> clampedResults, world)
-utilityOfWanderToExit :: World -> Actor -> [PathTo] -> ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)
-utilityOfWanderToExit world actor allPaths =
-  let
-    rule x = clamp $ 1 - (0.04 * x + (1.24 - clamp (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsWanderlustToExits))) 
-    clampedResults = moveTowardsUtil [E.Door] rule allPaths actor
-  in
-  ((\(p, score) -> (score, actor, ImpMoveTowards (path p), "wander to exit", Just p)) <$> clampedResults, world)
+utilityOfInfatuation :: World -> Actor -> [PathTo] -> UtilAnnotator ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)
+utilityOfInfatuation world actor allPaths = do
+  telld . UeAt $ "Infatuation: " <> show (length allPaths) -- debugShowPathTos allPaths --show (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsSmitten)
+  let rule x = clamp $ -x ** 4 + clamp (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsSmitten) 
+  let clampedResults = moveTowardsUtil (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsSmittenWith) rule allPaths actor
-utilityOfInfatuation :: World -> Actor -> [PathTo] -> ([(Float, Actor, Impulse, Text, Maybe PathTo)], World)
-utilityOfInfatuation world actor allPaths =
-  let
-    rule x = clamp $ -x ** 4 + clamp (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsSmitten) 
-    clampedResults = moveTowardsUtil (actor ^. acDisposition ^. dsSmittenWith) rule allPaths actor
-  in
-  ((\(p, score) -> (score, actor, ImpMoveTowards (path p), "infatuation", Just p)) <$> clampedResults, world)
+  let (r, _) = ((\(p, score) -> (score, actor, ImpMoveTowards (path p), "infatuation", Just p)) <$> clampedResults, world)
+  let r2 = (\(f, _, _, _, _) -> showF f) <$> r
+  telld . UeNote $ "infatuation: " <> show r2
+  pure ((\(p, score) -> (score, actor, ImpMoveTowards (path p), "infatuation", Just p)) <$> clampedResults, world)


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