bhoogle - Building a simple hoogle GUI with brick (Updated for brick 1.1)

Posted on September 7, 2022


bhoogle is a simple hoogle terminal GUI written using brick. This post is the annotated source code that should give you an idea of how to use brick and how easy brick makes building terminal UIs.

This post is a simple upgrade from the [original 2018 version)[] to brick version 1.1 If you are upgrading an existing project then looking at the upgrade diff may be useful


bhoogle is possibly useful as a local hoogle UI as well as a demo app. You can get the full code from github.


You will need an existing local hoogle database. If you do not already have one or are unsure, then do this

  1. Install hoogle (e.g. cabal install hoogle)
  2. Generate the default database (hoogle generate)


You can then clone the code


  1. Enter a type search in the “type” edit box
  2. Press enter to search: focus goes directly to the results list
  3. Or press tab to search and focus will go to the “text” edit box
  4. You can then filter the results by typing in the “text” edit box, any result containing the sub-string typed will be shown
  5. Navigate the results by using arrow or vi (hjkl) keys
  6. Pressing ‘s’ in the results list will toggle the sort order
  7. Escape to exit
  8. Search-ahead is enable for any type search longer than three characters


There are a few conventions to get used to when building a brick UI, but I don’t think it should take you too long to get the hang of things.

The brick user guide and documentation are fantastic. Brick comes with multiple example apps that show controls and features being used. There are also third party tutorials e.g. Samuel Tay’s brick tutorial

bhoogle source

If you have looked at the user guide or Samuel Tay’s tutorial you’ll already have some idea of the fundamental concepts. Below is the annotated source for bhoogle. As always feel free to email or contact me on twitter if anything is unclear and I’ll do my best to assist.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Main where

import           Protolude
import           Control.Lens ((^.), (.~), (%~))
import           Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses)
import qualified Data.List as Lst
import qualified Data.Time as Tm
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import           Brick ((<+>), (<=>))
import qualified Brick as B
import qualified Brick.BChan as BCh
import qualified Brick.Focus as BF
import qualified Brick.AttrMap as BA
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as BL
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as BE
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as BB
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border.Style as BBS
import           Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO)
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import qualified Graphics.Vty.Input.Events as K

import qualified Hoogle as H

Import all the modules we’ll need. I’m using protolude as my custom prelude, changing to one of the others e.g. classy should be pretty simple if you prefer that.

I’m also using lens. The brick examples use lens so its worth getting used to. However I’m only using three of the simpler lenses, so if you don’t like lens or template haskell it should be easy enough to remove them.

-- | Events that can be sent
-- | Here there is just one event for updating the time
newtype Event = EventUpdateTime Tm.LocalTime

-- | Names use to identify each of the controls
data Name = TypeSearch
          | TextSearch
          | ListResults
          deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

Next we need to define the type of custom events that our brick application can handle and a sum type defining the “name” for each control we want to use.

In this example there is only a single event EventUpdateTime. It is sent once a second with the current time. This gets displayed by brick in the top right corner

There are three controls

  1. The edit box for the type to search for
  2. The edit box for the substring search
  3. The results listbox
-- | Sort order
data SortBy = SortNone
            | SortAsc
            | SortDec
            deriving (Eq)

-- | State of the brick app. Contains the controls and any other required state
data BrickState = BrickState { _stEditType :: !(BE.Editor Text Name) -- ^ Editor for the type to search for
     , _stEditText :: !(BE.Editor Text Name)      -- ^ Editor for a text search in the results
     , _stResultsList :: !(BL.List Name H.Target) -- ^ List for the search results
     , _stFocus :: !(BF.FocusRing Name)           -- ^ Focus ring - a circular list of focusable controls
     , _stTime :: !Tm.LocalTime                   -- ^ The current time
     , _stResults :: [H.Target]                   -- ^ The last set of search results from hoohle
     , _stSortResults :: SortBy                   -- ^ Current sort order for the results

makeLenses ''BrickState

BrickState contains the current state of the brick application. Any event e.g. the custom update time event, or any key press event can result in the state being updated. There is a separate draw function that renders the state.

I.e. one part of the code deals with events, roughly state -> event -> state and another handles the drawing state -> GUI

Here the state contains

  1. The three controls mentioned above (two edit + one listbox)
  2. A focus ring. (A focus ring is a circular list of control names that helps your code keep track of which control has the current focus).
  3. The last updated current time
  4. The last search result
  5. The current sort order, so that it can be toggled between ascending and descending
-- | Defines how the brick application will work / handle events
app :: B.App BrickState Event Name
app = B.App { B.appDraw = drawUI
            , B.appChooseCursor = B.showFirstCursor
            , B.appHandleEvent = handleEvent
            , B.appStartEvent = pass
            , B.appAttrMap = const theMap

The App type defines how the brick app operates, but defining how events are handled (appHandleEvent) and how the GUI is drawn (appDraw)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  chan <- BCh.newBChan 5 -- ^ create a bounded channel for events

  -- Send a tick event every 1 seconds with the current time
  -- Brick will send this to our event handler which can then update the stTime field
  void . forkIO $ forever $ do
    t <- getTime 
    BCh.writeBChan chan $ EventUpdateTime t
    threadDelay $ 1 * 1000000

  -- Initial current time value
  t <- getTime

  -- Construct the initial state values
  let st = BrickState { _stEditType = BE.editor TypeSearch (Just 1) ""
                      , _stEditText = BE.editor TextSearch (Just 1) ""
                      , _stResultsList = BL.list ListResults Vec.empty 1
                      , _stTime = t
                      , _stFocus = BF.focusRing [TypeSearch, TextSearch, ListResults]
                      , _stResults = []
                      , _stSortResults = SortNone
  -- And run brick
  let vtyBuilder = V.mkVty V.defaultConfig
  initialVty <- vtyBuilder

  void $ B.customMain initialVty vtyBuilder (Just chan) app st

    -- | Get the local time
    getTime = do
      t <- Tm.getCurrentTime
      tz <- Tm.getCurrentTimeZone
      pure $ Tm.utcToLocalTime tz t

In main some setup is preformed and then brick is started by calling customMain.

For bhoogle the steps are

  1. Construct the channel for brick events (passed to customMain)
  2. Create a new thread to send the current time every second
  3. Construct an initial state, with empty controls and search results
  4. B.customMain to run brick
-- | Main even handler for brick events
handleEvent :: B.BrickEvent Name Event -> B.EventM Name BrickState ()
handleEvent ev =
  case ev of
    (B.AppEvent (EventUpdateTime time)) ->
      -- Update the time in the state
      modify $ \st -> st & stTime .~ time

handleEvent gets all the brick events, updates the state and decides how to continue.

Here the code matches the custom (B.AppEvent) event looking for our update time event (EventUpdateTime) and then updates the state with the current time. Note that the UI is not changed in any way here, we are just altering the current state.

    -- Handle keyboard events
    --   k is the key
    --   ms are the modifier keys
    (B.VtyEvent ve@(V.EvKey k ms)) ->
      case (k, ms) of
        -- Escape quits the app, no matter what control has focus
        (K.KEsc, []) -> B.halt

Then the code matches any keyboard event (**B.VtyEvent**) here matching on the escape key (**K.KEsc**). So when the user clicks the escape key this handler will call ```B.halt``` which will terminate the app. As this is done at the top level, this means that no matter which control has the focus, escape will exit.

        _ -> do
          st' <- get

          -- How to interpret the key press depends on which control is focused
          case BF.focusGetCurrent $ st' ^. stFocus of

For the rest of the key press logic, what bhoogle does depends on which control has the focus. BF.focusGetCurrent is used to get that from the state’s focus ring.

            Just TypeSearch ->
              case k of
                K.KChar '\t' -> do
                  -- Search, clear sort order, focus next
                  found <- liftIO $ doSearch st'
                  modify $ \st -> filterResults $ st & stFocus %~ BF.focusNext
                                                  & stResults .~ found
                                                  & stSortResults .~ SortNone

                K.KBackTab ->do
                  -- Search, clear sort order, focus prev
                  found <- liftIO $ doSearch st'
                  modify $ \st -> filterResults $ st & stFocus %~ BF.focusPrev
                                                   & stResults .~ found
                                                   & stSortResults .~ SortNone

If the user is typing in the “type” edit box and tabs out (either tab or shift-tab) then

  1. Perform the search (see doSearch below)
  2. Update the current set of results
  3. Reset the sort order, default to the order that hoogle uses
  4. Move the focus to the next/previous control
                K.KEnter -> do
                  -- Search, clear sort order, focus on results
                  --  This makes it faster if you want to search and navigate results without tabing through the text search box
                  found <- liftIO $ doSearch st'
                  modify $ \st -> filterResults $ st & stResults .~ found
                                                  & stSortResults .~ SortNone
                                                  & stFocus %~ BF.focusSetCurrent ListResults

If the user presses enter while in the type search edit box, then

  1. Perform the search (see doSearch below)
  2. Update the current set of results
  3. Reset the sort order, default to the order that hoogle uses
  4. Move the focus directly to the results lisbox so they can navigate and see the current item’s details & help text
                _ -> do
                  -- Let the editor handle all other events
                  B.zoom stEditType $ BE.handleEditorEvent ev
                  st <- get
                  st2 <- liftIO $ searchAhead doSearch st
                  put st2

For all other key events for the type search, let the editor control handle the key press. This gives us editing, navigation etc for free.

            Just TextSearch ->
              case k of
                K.KChar '\t' -> modify $ \st -> st & stFocus %~ BF.focusNext -- Focus next
                K.KBackTab -> modify $ \st -> st & stFocus %~ BF.focusPrev   -- Focus previous
                _ -> do
                  -- Let the editor handle all other events
                  B.zoom stEditText $ BE.handleEditorEvent ev
                  modify filterResults

For the text edit box

 1. Change focus on tab / shift-tab
 1. For all other keys
    1. Let the editor handle the key press
    1. Filter the hoogle results

            Just ListResults ->
              case k of
                K.KChar '\t' -> modify $ \st -> st & stFocus %~ BF.focusNext -- Focus next
                K.KBackTab -> modify $ \st -> st & stFocus %~ BF.focusPrev   -- Focus previous
                K.KChar 's' ->
                  -- Toggle the search order between ascending and descending, use asc if sort order was 'none'
                  let sortDir = if (st' ^. stSortResults) == SortAsc then SortDec else SortAsc in
                  let sorter = if sortDir == SortDec then Lst.sortBy (flip compareType) else Lst.sortBy compareType in
                  modify $ \st -> filterResults $ st & stResults %~ sorter
                                                  & stSortResults .~ sortDir

                _ -> do
                  -- Let the list handle all other events
                  -- Using handleListEventVi which adds vi-style keybindings for navigation
                  --  and the standard handleListEvent as a fallback for all other events
                  B.zoom stResultsList $ BL.handleListEventVi BL.handleListEvent ve

            _ -> pass

    _ -> pass

 - Handle tab / shift-tab
 - Pressing the **'s'** key will sort the results. Pressing it again toggles the direction, so keep track of which order was used last.
 - For all other keys use ```BL.handleListEventVi BL.handleListEvent``` which gives us vi style navigation and uses the standard **handleListEvent** as the fallback, so that all the normal navigation (arrows) also work.

    doSearch :: BrickState -> IO [H.Target]
    doSearch st' = 
      liftIO $ searchHoogle (Txt.strip . Txt.concat $ BE.getEditContents (st' ^. stEditType))

And finally for handleEvent the doSearch function which calls the searchHoogle function (below) to search on the text from the type editbox.

-- | Search ahead for type strings longer than 3 chars.
searchAhead :: (BrickState -> IO [H.Target]) -> BrickState -> IO BrickState
searchAhead search st =
  let searchText = Txt.strip . Txt.concat . BE.getEditContents $ st ^. stEditType in

  if Txt.length searchText > 3
  then do
    -- Search
    found <- search st
    pure . filterResults $ st & stResults .~ found
                              & stSortResults .~ SortNone
    -- Just clear
    pure $ st & stResults .~ []
              & stResultsList %~ BL.listClear

searchAhead is a helper function that searches hoogle as the user types. As long as there are more than three characters being searched for. Without this limit hoogle seems a bit slow on my machine because of the large number of results.

-- | Filter the results from hoogle using the search text
filterResults :: BrickState -> BrickState
filterResults st =
  let allResults = st ^. stResults in
  let filterText = Txt.toLower . Txt.strip . Txt.concat . BE.getEditContents $ st ^. stEditText in

  let results =
        if Txt.null filterText
        then allResults
        else filter (\t -> Txt.isInfixOf filterText . Txt.toLower $ formatResult t) allResults
  st & stResultsList .~ BL.list ListResults (Vec.fromList results) 1

Filter the hoogle results by doing a sub-string search if the user has entered one

-- | Draw the UI
drawUI :: BrickState -> [B.Widget Name]
drawUI st =
  [B.padAll 1 contentBlock] 

    contentBlock =
      (B.withBorderStyle BBS.unicode $ BB.border searchBlock)
      B.padTop (B.Pad 1) resultsBlock
    resultsBlock =
      let total = show . length $ st ^. stResults in
      let showing = show . length $ st ^. stResultsList ^. BL.listElementsL in
      (B.withAttr (B.attrName "infoTitle") $ B.txt "Results: ") <+> B.txt (showing <> "/" <> total)
      (B.padTop (B.Pad 1) $
       resultsContent <+> resultsDetail

    resultsContent =
      BL.renderList (\_ e -> B.txt $ formatResult e) False (st ^. stResultsList)

    resultsDetail =
      B.padLeft (B.Pad 1) $
      B.hLimit 60 $
      vtitle "package:"
      B.padLeft (B.Pad 2) (B.txt $ getSelectedDetail (\t -> maybe "" (Txt.pack . fst) (H.targetPackage t)))
      vtitle "module:"
      B.padLeft (B.Pad 2) (B.txt $ getSelectedDetail (\t -> maybe "" (Txt.pack . fst) (H.targetModule t)))
      vtitle "docs:"
      B.padLeft (B.Pad 2) (B.txt $ getSelectedDetail (Txt.pack . clean . H.targetDocs))
      B.fill ' '
    searchBlock =
      ((htitle "Type: " <+> editor TypeSearch (st ^. stEditType)) <+> time (st ^. stTime))
      (htitle "Text: " <+> editor TextSearch (st ^. stEditText))

    htitle t =
      B.hLimit 20 $
      B.withAttr (B.attrName "infoTitle") $
      B.txt t
    vtitle t =
      B.withAttr (B.attrName "infoTitle") $
      B.txt t

    editor n e =
      B.vLimit 1 $
      BE.renderEditor (B.txt . Txt.unlines) (BF.focusGetCurrent (st ^. stFocus) == Just n) e

    time t =
      B.padLeft (B.Pad 1) $
      B.hLimit 20 $
      B.withAttr (B.attrName "time") $
      B.str (Tm.formatTime Tm.defaultTimeLocale "%H-%M-%S" t)

    getSelectedDetail fn =
      case BL.listSelectedElement $ st ^. stResultsList of
        Nothing -> ""
        Just (_, e) -> fn e

drawUI renders the state and creates the GUI. At first this may take some getting used to, but you will soon be able to see the GUI structure from the code.

theMap :: BA.AttrMap
theMap = BA.attrMap V.defAttr [ (BE.editAttr        , `B.on` V.cyan)
                              , (BE.editFocusedAttr , `B.on` V.yellow)
                              , (BL.listAttr        , V.white `B.on`
                              , (BL.listSelectedAttr, `B.on` V.white)
                              , (B.attrName "infoTitle", B.fg V.cyan)
                              , (B.attrName "time"     , B.fg V.yellow)

The attribute map is where attributes for the controls and custom attributes are defined. This makes it easy to change how the GUI looks. There is even support for themes.

-- | Compare two hoogle results for sorting
compareType :: H.Target -> H.Target -> Ordering
compareType a b =
  compare (formatResult a) (formatResult b)

-- | Search hoogle using the default hoogle database
searchHoogle :: Text -> IO [H.Target]
searchHoogle f = do
  d <- H.defaultDatabaseLocation 
  H.withDatabase d (\x -> pure $ H.searchDatabase x (Txt.unpack f))

-- | Format the hoogle results so they roughly match what the terminal app would show
formatResult :: H.Target -> Text
formatResult t =
  let typ = clean $ H.targetItem t in
  let m = (clean . fst) <$> H.targetModule t in
  Txt.pack $ fromMaybe "" m <> " :: " <> typ

clean :: [Char] -> [Char]
clean = unescapeHTML . stripTags

-- | From hoogle source:
unescapeHTML :: [Char] -> [Char]
unescapeHTML ('&':xs)
    | Just x <- Lst.stripPrefix "lt;" xs = '<' : unescapeHTML x
    | Just x <- Lst.stripPrefix "gt;" xs = '>' : unescapeHTML x
    | Just x <- Lst.stripPrefix "amp;" xs = '&' : unescapeHTML x
    | Just x <- Lst.stripPrefix "quot;" xs = '\"' : unescapeHTML x
unescapeHTML (x:xs) = x : unescapeHTML xs
unescapeHTML [] = []

-- | From hakyll source:
stripTags :: [Char] -> [Char]
stripTags []         = []
stripTags ('<' : xs) = stripTags $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '>') xs
stripTags (x : xs)   = x : stripTags xs

The remainder of the code is non-brick code for searching and formatting hoogle results

Hopefully this example helps you get started with brick and demonstrates how easy brick makes creating terminal UIs
