Haskell roguelike - ASCII terminal frontend

Posted on April 2, 2018

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ASCII terminal GUI frontend

Just for fun, here is a horribly quick and dirty ASCII terminal frontend to show how you could create different frontends for the same engine. I’m not going to spend much time explaining this code. Hopefully it is enough to give you some ideas.


Here are some of the shortcuts

It is still pretty interesting to see different frontends though, so I’ve decided to publish this anyway despite the limitations.



21_console/app/Main.hs (16 to 23)
main :: IO ()
main = do
  map01 <- Txt.readFile "worlds/simple.csv"
  map02 <- Txt.readFile "worlds/level02.csv"
  void . forkIO $ GE.runGame (getLevel map01 map02)
  putText "Press enter to start the GUI"
  void Txt.getLine



21_console/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs (41 to 53)
runGui :: IO ()
runGui = do
  IO.hSetEcho stdin False
  IO.hSetBuffering stdin IO.NoBuffering
  IO.hSetBuffering stdout IO.NoBuffering
  Sock.withSocketsDo $ WS.runClient "localhost" 61492 "/" app

    app :: WS.Connection -> IO ()
    app conn = do
      (x, y) <- getSize
      runConnection conn x y 


21_console/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs (58 to 69)
runConnection :: WS.Connection -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
runConnection conn x y = do
  sendCommand conn $ "init|" <> show x <> "|" <> show y <> ""
  void $ forkIO (runKeys conn)
  void loop
  close conn

    loop = do
      cmd <- receiveCommand conn
      handleCommand conn cmd


Key presses are detected using code from this answer on stack overflow, mapped to one of the rogue commands and sent to the backend.

21_console/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs (73 to 99)
runKeys :: WS.Connection -> IO ()
runKeys conn = do
  key <- getKey >>= \case
       "k"      -> pure "Move:up"
       "\ESC[A" -> pure "Move:up"

       "j"      -> pure "Move:down"
       "\ESC[B" -> pure "Move:down"

       "l"      -> pure "Move:right"
       "\ESC[C" -> pure "Move:right"

       "h"      -> pure "Move:left"
       "\ESC[D" -> pure "Move:left"

       _        -> pure ""
  sendCommand conn $ "key|" <> key
  runKeys conn

-- | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23068218/haskell-read-raw-keyboard-input
getKey :: IO [Char]
getKey = reverse <$> getKey' ""
  where getKey' chars = do
          char <- IO.getChar
          more <- IO.hReady stdin
          (if more then getKey' else return) (char:chars)


The JSON has a common header with a cmd property. CommandWrapper is used to read this and then call the appropriate handler (where implemented).

21_console/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs (104 to 124)
handleCommand :: WS.Connection -> Text -> IO ()
handleCommand conn cmd' =
  case Ae.eitherDecode (BSL.fromStrict . TxtE.encodeUtf8 $ cmd') :: Either [Char] CommandWrapper of
    Left e -> throwString e
    Right cmd ->
     case cmd of
         CommandWrapper "log" -> pass
         CommandWrapper "error" -> pass
         CommandWrapper "config" -> handleConfig conn cmd'
         CommandWrapper "draw" -> handleDraw conn cmd'
         _ -> throwString . Txt.unpack $ "Unknown command: " <> cmd'

handleConfig :: WS.Connection -> Text -> IO ()
handleConfig conn cmd' =
  case Ae.eitherDecode (BSL.fromStrict . TxtE.encodeUtf8 $ cmd') :: Either [Char] GC.UiConfig of
    Left e -> throwString e
    Right _cmd -> do
      (w,h) <- getSize
      sendCommand conn $ "redraw|" <> show w <> "|" <> show h


The drawing logic is similar to the JavaScript drawing logic, except that there are no layers.

21_console/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs (129 to 157)
handleDraw :: WS.Connection -> Text -> IO ()
handleDraw _conn cmd' =
  case Ae.eitherDecode (BSL.fromStrict . TxtE.encodeUtf8 $ cmd') :: Either [Char] GC.UiDrawCommand of
    Left e -> throwString e
    Right cmd -> do
      (width, height) <- getSize
      let l1 = (\(x, y, i) -> ((x, y), i)) <<$>> GC.drMapData cmd
      let layers = Map.unions . reverse $ Map.fromList <$> l1

      A.setSGR [A.Reset]

      A.setCursorPosition 0 0
      let (t, s) = tileFromId 4113
      let blankLine = Txt.replicate width t
      A.setSGR s
      traverse_ putText $ replicate height blankLine
      traverse_ drawTile $ Map.toList layers
      A.setSGR [A.Reset]

    drawTile :: ((Int, Int), Int) -> IO ()
    drawTile ((x, y), tid) = do
      A.setCursorPosition y x
      let (t, s) = tileFromId tid
      A.setSGR s
      putStr t


I’ve limited the terminal size to 50x20 because this reduces the flickering and because the demo maps are so small.

21_console/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs (162 to 166)
getSize :: IO (Int, Int)
getSize =
  Sz.size @ Int >>= \case
    Nothing -> throwString "unable to get screen size"
    Just (Sz.Window w h) -> pure (min 50 w, min 20 h)


Tile Ids are mapped to a unicode character and ANSI attribute

21_console/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs (170 to 184)
-- | https://github.com/globalcitizen/zomia/blob/master/USEFUL-UNICODE.md
tileFromId :: Int -> (Text, [A.SGR])
tileFromId 4113 = (" ", []) -- " " -- E.Blank
tileFromId 2615 = ("⌺", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Vivid A.Green]) -- "'" -- E.Door
tileFromId 2115 = ("⊠", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Vivid A.Red]) -- "+" -- E.DoorClosed
tileFromId  914 = ("█", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.White]) -- "#" -- E.Wall
tileFromId  803 = ("Ӧ", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Vivid A.Cyan]) -- "@" -- E.Player
tileFromId 2503 = ("⍾", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.Magenta]) -- "B" -- E.Bug
tileFromId 3804 = ("ຯ", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Vivid A.Magenta]) -- "S" -- E.Snake
tileFromId 4311 = ("░", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.White]) -- "░" -- E.Dark
tileFromId 5644 = ("ᝐ", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.Green]) -- ">" -- E.Stairs
tileFromId 1646 = ("☁", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.White]) -- "d" -- E.PotionDark
tileFromId  846 = ("☀", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Vivid A.Yellow]) -- "l" -- E.PotionLight
tileFromId 5445 = ("ዋ", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.Green]) -- "k" -- E.Key
tileFromId _    = ("?", [])

Terminal frontend

A more realistic terminal GUI would need to address all the issues mentioned above, using Brick would probably be where I’d start. However I think a small demo frontend like this one is interesting enough to include here.


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diff -w -B -a -d -u -b -r --new-file 20_structure/src/GameCore.hs 21_console/src/GameCore.hs
--- 20_structure/src/GameCore.hs
+++ 21_console/src/GameCore.hs
@@ -201,6 +201,21 @@
 instance Ae.ToJSON UiDrawCommand where
   toJSON = Ae.genericToJSON Ae.defaultOptions { Ae.fieldLabelModifier = renField 2 True }
+instance Ae.FromJSON UiMessage where
+  parseJSON = Ae.genericParseJSON Ae.defaultOptions { Ae.fieldLabelModifier = renField 2 True }
+instance Ae.FromJSON UiConfig where
+  parseJSON = Ae.genericParseJSON Ae.defaultOptions { Ae.fieldLabelModifier = renField 2 True }
+instance Ae.FromJSON UiConfigData where
+  parseJSON = Ae.genericParseJSON Ae.defaultOptions { Ae.fieldLabelModifier = renField 2 True }
+instance Ae.FromJSON UiKey where
+  parseJSON = Ae.genericParseJSON Ae.defaultOptions { Ae.fieldLabelModifier = renField 2 True }
+instance Ae.FromJSON UiDrawCommand where
+  parseJSON = Ae.genericParseJSON Ae.defaultOptions { Ae.fieldLabelModifier = renField 2 True }
 -- | drop prefix, and then lower case
 -- | renField 3 "tskBla" == "bla"


diff -w -B -a -d -u -b -r --new-file 20_structure/src/GameEngine.hs 21_console/src/GameEngine.hs
--- 20_structure/src/GameEngine.hs
+++ 21_console/src/GameEngine.hs
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
       -- the annotation code can be removed once everything is working
       let annotations = w2 ^. wdUtilBrainAnnotations 
       modifyWorld (\w -> w & wdUtilBrainAnnotations .~ [])
-      printAnnotations annotations
+      --printAnnotations annotations
       -- Draw
       w3 <- askWorld


diff -w -B -a -d -u -b -r --new-file 20_structure/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs 21_console/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs
--- 20_structure/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs
+++ 21_console/src/Gui/ConsoleGui.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+module Gui.ConsoleGui (runGui) where
+import           Protolude
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Text as Txt
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TxtE
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Ae
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
+import qualified Codec.Compression.BZip as Bz
+import qualified System.IO as IO
+import qualified System.Console.ANSI as A
+import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as Sz
+import           Control.Exception.Safe (throwString)
+import qualified Network.Socket as Sock
+import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
+import qualified GameCore as GC
+sendCommand :: WS.Connection -> Text -> IO ()
+sendCommand = WS.sendTextData
+receiveCommand :: WS.Connection -> IO Text
+receiveCommand conn = do
+  compressed <- WS.receiveData conn
+  pure . TxtE.decodeUtf8 . BSL.toStrict $ Bz.decompress compressed
+close :: WS.Connection -> IO ()
+close conn = WS.sendClose conn ("" :: Text)
+runGui :: IO ()
+runGui = do
+  IO.hSetEcho stdin False
+  IO.hSetBuffering stdin IO.NoBuffering
+  IO.hSetBuffering stdout IO.NoBuffering
+  Sock.withSocketsDo $ WS.runClient "localhost" 61492 "/" app
+  where
+    app :: WS.Connection -> IO ()
+    app conn = do
+      (x, y) <- getSize
+      runConnection conn x y 
+runConnection :: WS.Connection -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
+runConnection conn x y = do
+  sendCommand conn $ "init|" <> show x <> "|" <> show y <> ""
+  void $ forkIO (runKeys conn)
+  void loop
+  close conn
+  where
+    loop = do
+      cmd <- receiveCommand conn
+      handleCommand conn cmd
+      loop
+runKeys :: WS.Connection -> IO ()
+runKeys conn = do
+  key <- getKey >>= \case
+       "k"      -> pure "Move:up"
+       "\ESC[A" -> pure "Move:up"
+       "j"      -> pure "Move:down"
+       "\ESC[B" -> pure "Move:down"
+       "l"      -> pure "Move:right"
+       "\ESC[C" -> pure "Move:right"
+       "h"      -> pure "Move:left"
+       "\ESC[D" -> pure "Move:left"
+       _        -> pure ""
+  sendCommand conn $ "key|" <> key
+  runKeys conn
+-- | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23068218/haskell-read-raw-keyboard-input
+getKey :: IO [Char]
+getKey = reverse <$> getKey' ""
+  where getKey' chars = do
+          char <- IO.getChar
+          more <- IO.hReady stdin
+          (if more then getKey' else return) (char:chars)
+handleCommand :: WS.Connection -> Text -> IO ()
+handleCommand conn cmd' =
+  case Ae.eitherDecode (BSL.fromStrict . TxtE.encodeUtf8 $ cmd') :: Either [Char] CommandWrapper of
+    Left e -> throwString e
+    Right cmd ->
+     case cmd of
+         CommandWrapper "log" -> pass
+         CommandWrapper "error" -> pass
+         CommandWrapper "config" -> handleConfig conn cmd'
+         CommandWrapper "draw" -> handleDraw conn cmd'
+         _ -> throwString . Txt.unpack $ "Unknown command: " <> cmd'
+handleConfig :: WS.Connection -> Text -> IO ()
+handleConfig conn cmd' =
+  case Ae.eitherDecode (BSL.fromStrict . TxtE.encodeUtf8 $ cmd') :: Either [Char] GC.UiConfig of
+    Left e -> throwString e
+    Right _cmd -> do
+      (w,h) <- getSize
+      sendCommand conn $ "redraw|" <> show w <> "|" <> show h
+      pass
+handleDraw :: WS.Connection -> Text -> IO ()
+handleDraw _conn cmd' =
+  case Ae.eitherDecode (BSL.fromStrict . TxtE.encodeUtf8 $ cmd') :: Either [Char] GC.UiDrawCommand of
+    Left e -> throwString e
+    Right cmd -> do
+      (width, height) <- getSize
+      let l1 = (\(x, y, i) -> ((x, y), i)) <<$>> GC.drMapData cmd
+      let layers = Map.unions . reverse $ Map.fromList <$> l1
+      A.setSGR [A.Reset]
+      A.clearScreen
+      A.hideCursor
+      A.setCursorPosition 0 0
+      let (t, s) = tileFromId 4113
+      let blankLine = Txt.replicate width t
+      A.setSGR s
+      traverse_ putText $ replicate height blankLine
+      traverse_ drawTile $ Map.toList layers
+      A.setSGR [A.Reset]
+  where
+    drawTile :: ((Int, Int), Int) -> IO ()
+    drawTile ((x, y), tid) = do
+      A.setCursorPosition y x
+      let (t, s) = tileFromId tid
+      A.setSGR s
+      putStr t
+getSize :: IO (Int, Int)
+getSize =
+  Sz.size @ Int >>= \case
+    Nothing -> throwString "unable to get screen size"
+    Just (Sz.Window w h) -> pure (min 50 w, min 20 h)
+-- | https://github.com/globalcitizen/zomia/blob/master/USEFUL-UNICODE.md
+tileFromId :: Int -> (Text, [A.SGR])
+tileFromId 4113 = (" ", []) -- " " -- E.Blank
+tileFromId 2615 = ("⌺", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Vivid A.Green]) -- "'" -- E.Door
+tileFromId 2115 = ("⊠", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Vivid A.Red]) -- "+" -- E.DoorClosed
+tileFromId  914 = ("█", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.White]) -- "#" -- E.Wall
+tileFromId  803 = ("Ӧ", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Vivid A.Cyan]) -- "@" -- E.Player
+tileFromId 2503 = ("⍾", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.Magenta]) -- "B" -- E.Bug
+tileFromId 3804 = ("ຯ", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Vivid A.Magenta]) -- "S" -- E.Snake
+tileFromId 4311 = ("░", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.White]) -- "░" -- E.Dark
+tileFromId 5644 = ("ᝐ", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.Green]) -- ">" -- E.Stairs
+tileFromId 1646 = ("☁", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.White]) -- "d" -- E.PotionDark
+tileFromId  846 = ("☀", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Vivid A.Yellow]) -- "l" -- E.PotionLight
+tileFromId 5445 = ("ዋ", [A.SetColor A.Foreground A.Dull A.Green]) -- "k" -- E.Key
+tileFromId _    = ("?", [])
+data CommandWrapper = CommandWrapper
+                      { coCmd :: !Text
+                      } deriving (Generic, Show)
+instance Ae.FromJSON CommandWrapper where
+  parseJSON = Ae.genericParseJSON Ae.defaultOptions { Ae.fieldLabelModifier = renField 2 True }
+-- | drop prefix, and then lower case
+-- | renField 3 "tskBla" == "bla"
+renField :: Int -> Bool -> [Char] -> [Char]
+renField drp toLower =
+  Txt.unpack . (if toLower then mkLower else identity) . Txt.drop drp . Txt.pack
+  where
+    mkLower t = Txt.toLower (Txt.take 1 t) <> Txt.drop 1 t


diff -w -B -a -d -u -b -r --new-file 20_structure/app/Main.hs 21_console/app/Main.hs
--- 20_structure/app/Main.hs
+++ 21_console/app/Main.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import           Protolude 
 import qualified Data.Text.IO as Txt
+import qualified Gui.ConsoleGui as Con
 import qualified GameCore as GC
 import qualified GameEngine as GE
 import qualified Levels.Level01 as L01
@@ -11,11 +12,16 @@
 import qualified Levels.Level01 as L01
 import qualified Levels.Level02 as L02
 main :: IO ()
 main = do
   map01 <- Txt.readFile "worlds/simple.csv"
   map02 <- Txt.readFile "worlds/level02.csv"
-  GE.runGame (getLevel map01 map02)
+  void . forkIO $ GE.runGame (getLevel map01 map02)
+  putText "Press enter to start the GUI"
+  void Txt.getLine
+  Con.runGui
 getLevel :: Text -> Text -> GC.Levels -> GC.Level
 getLevel map01 _ GC.Levels01 = L01.mkLevel map01


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