Haskell roguelike - Moving the player

Posted on April 2, 2018

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The previous chapter ended with three actors being drawn on the world map (a bug, a snake and the player). Now lets look at what is required to handle moving the player.

Key bindings

I wanted to support both strait and diagonal movement. This RogueBasin article has a good set of key bindings to use: Preferred Key Controls.

 y k u     home ^ pgup    
  \|/          \|/        
 h-+-l        <-+->       
  /|\          /|\        
 b j n      end v pgdn    
vi-keys       numpad      

The standard arrow keys and VIM hjkl keys are supported. Then yubn and the keypad are used for diagonal movement.

Which is easy enough to configure in the backend

06_moving/src/GameEngine.hs (97 to 114)
  Config { _cfgKeys = Map.fromList [ ("up"      , "Move:up")
                                   , ("k"       , "Move:up")
                                   , ("down"    , "Move:down")
                                   , ("j"       , "Move:down")
                                   , ("left"    , "Move:left")
                                   , ("h"       , "Move:left")
                                   , ("right"   , "Move:right")
                                   , ("l"       , "Move:right")
                                   , ("u"       , "Move:up-right")
                                   , ("pageup"  , "Move:up-right")
                                   , ("y"       , "Move:up-left")
                                   , ("home"    , "Move:up-left")
                                   , ("n"       , "Move:down-right")
                                   , ("end"     , "Move:down-left")
                                   , ("b"       , "Move:down-left")
                                   , ("pagedown", "Move:down-right")

Handling the key press command

The key handling code is changed to handle the key press

06_moving/src/GameEngine.hs (154 to 160)
  "key" -> do
    -- Handle the key press
    atomically $ modifyTVar' worldV (\w -> runActions w $ handleKey cmdData)
    -- Get the updated world
    w2 <- atomically $ readTVar worldV
    -- Draw
    drawAndSend w2

This is similar to the “redraw” handler

Notice the use of modifyTVar' rather than modifyTVar. The former is strict and what you probably want to be using by default.


The code above is calling a function named runActions with the result of handleKey. handleKey looks like this

06_moving/src/GameEngine.hs (310 to 322)
handleKey :: [Text] -> [RogueAction]
handleKey (cmd:_) = 
  case cmd of
    "Move:up"         -> [ActMovePlayer ( 0,  1)]
    "Move:down"       -> [ActMovePlayer ( 0, -1)]
    "Move:left"       -> [ActMovePlayer (-1,  0)]
    "Move:right"      -> [ActMovePlayer ( 1,  0)]
    "Move:up-right"   -> [ActMovePlayer ( 1,  1)]
    "Move:up-left"    -> [ActMovePlayer (-1,  1)]
    "Move:down-right" -> [ActMovePlayer ( 1, -1)]
    "Move:down-left"  -> [ActMovePlayer (-1, -1)]
    _                 -> []
handleKey _ = []
06_moving/src/GameCore.hs (63 to 63)
newtype RogueAction = ActMovePlayer (Int, Int)

And then runActions and runAction actually do the work of moving the player

06_moving/src/GameEngine.hs (327 to 336)
runActions :: World -> [RogueAction] -> World
runActions world actions =
  foldl' runAction world actions

runAction :: World -> RogueAction -> World
runAction world action =
  case action of
    ActMovePlayer (dx, dy) ->
      world & (wdPlayer . plActor . acWorldPos) %~ (\(WorldPos (x, y)) -> WorldPos (x + dx, y + dy))

Notice that handleKey returns an array of RogueAction. There is a bit of indirection here, handleKey could simply implement the movement logic. The advantages of having actions like this is that as the game gets more complicated it keeps a clean separation between code asking for actions and the code that performs them. The array of actions means that an event (like a key press) can have more than one action.

This line of code may be worth discussing quickly, as there are a few things going on

06_moving/src/GameEngine.hs (337 to 337)
  world & (wdPlayer . plActor . acWorldPos) %~ (\(WorldPos (x, y)) -> WorldPos (x + dx, y + dy))
  1. world & (wdPlayer . plActor . acWorldPos) is a lens to get to the player’s world position
  2. %~ is going to update that position by sending it to a function
  3. (\(WorldPos (x, y)) -> WorldPos (x + dx, y + dy)) is the lambda function being called.
    1. Destructure the WorldPos to get the (x, y)
    2. Created a new WorldPos adding the delta-x and delta-y from the ActMovePlayer

And with that the player can now be moved around the world. Not too bad for the few lines of code we needed to add, and its worth pointing out that no front-end changes were required.


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diff -w -B -a -d -u -b --new-file 05_actors/src/GameCore.hs 06_moving/src/GameCore.hs
--- 05_actors/src/GameCore.hs
+++ 06_moving/src/GameCore.hs
@@ -66,6 +60,10 @@
 newtype PlayerPos = PlayerPos (Int, Int) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+newtype RogueAction = ActMovePlayer (Int, Int)
 data UiMessage = UiMessage { umCmd :: !Text
                            , umMessage :: !Text


diff -w -B -a -d -u -b --new-file 05_actors/src/GameEngine.hs 06_moving/src/GameEngine.hs
--- 05_actors/src/GameEngine.hs
+++ 06_moving/src/GameEngine.hs
@@ -94,7 +93,26 @@
     mkConfig =
-      Config { _cfgKeys = Map.fromList [("t", "test")] }
+      Config { _cfgKeys = Map.fromList [ ("up"      , "Move:up")
+                                       , ("k"       , "Move:up")
+                                       , ("down"    , "Move:down")
+                                       , ("j"       , "Move:down")
+                                       , ("left"    , "Move:left")
+                                       , ("h"       , "Move:left")
+                                       , ("right"   , "Move:right")
+                                       , ("l"       , "Move:right")
+                                       , ("u"       , "Move:up-right")
+                                       , ("pageup"  , "Move:up-right")
+                                       , ("y"       , "Move:up-left")
+                                       , ("home"    , "Move:up-left")
+                                       , ("n"       , "Move:down-right")
+                                       , ("end"     , "Move:down-left")
+                                       , ("b"       , "Move:down-left")
+                                       , ("pagedown", "Move:down-right")
+                                       ]
+             }
     mkPlayer =
       Player { _plConn = conn
@@ -133,8 +150,15 @@
           drawAndSend w
           sendLog conn "draw"
-    "key" ->
-      sendLog conn $ "TODO: " <> cmd <> ": " <> show cmdData
+    "key" -> do
+      -- Handle the key press
+      atomically $ modifyTVar' worldV (\w -> runActions w $ handleKey cmdData)
+      -- Get the updated world
+      w2 <- atomically $ readTVar worldV
+      -- Draw
+      drawAndSend w2
     _ ->
       sendError conn $ "Unknown command: " <> cmd
@@ -278,9 +301,39 @@
       x >= topX && x < bottomX && y > bottomY && y <= topY
 getAllActors :: World -> [Actor]
 getAllActors world =
   world ^. wdPlayer ^. plActor : Map.elems (world ^. wdActors)
+handleKey :: [Text] -> [RogueAction]
+handleKey (cmd:_) = 
+  case cmd of
+    "Move:up"         -> [ActMovePlayer ( 0,  1)]
+    "Move:down"       -> [ActMovePlayer ( 0, -1)]
+    "Move:left"       -> [ActMovePlayer (-1,  0)]
+    "Move:right"      -> [ActMovePlayer ( 1,  0)]
+    "Move:up-right"   -> [ActMovePlayer ( 1,  1)]
+    "Move:up-left"    -> [ActMovePlayer (-1,  1)]
+    "Move:down-right" -> [ActMovePlayer ( 1, -1)]
+    "Move:down-left"  -> [ActMovePlayer (-1, -1)]
+    _                 -> []
+handleKey _ = []
+runActions :: World -> [RogueAction] -> World
+runActions world actions =
+  foldl' runAction world actions
+runAction :: World -> RogueAction -> World
+runAction world action =
+  case action of
+    ActMovePlayer (dx, dy) ->
+      world & (wdPlayer . plActor . acWorldPos) %~ (\(WorldPos (x, y)) -> WorldPos (x + dx, y + dy))


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