Haskell roguelike - Collisions

Posted on April 2, 2018

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The player can now move but we’ve given it too much freedom. The player can move over any other entity and even move off the screen.

World size

The code supports an infinite world, but it often makes sense to have a limit e.g. for a level with a small map. cfgMinMaxBounds constrains the world size (in world coordinates). The values are interpreted as (minX, maxX, minY, maxY)

07_collisions/src/GameCore.hs (46 to 48)
data Config = Config { _cfgKeys :: !(Map Text Text)
                     , _cfgMinMaxBounds :: !(Int, Int, Int, Int) -- (minX, maxX, minY, maxY)
07_collisions/src/GameEngine.hs (115 to 115)
  , _cfgMinMaxBounds = (0, 30, -30, 0)

Unacceptable moves

runAction is changed from simply applying the move (the delta x & y) to calling tryMoveActor which does collision detection.

07_collisions/src/GameEngine.hs (330 to 334)
runAction :: World -> RogueAction -> World
runAction world action =
  case action of
    ActMovePlayer move  ->
      fromMaybe world $ tryMoveActor world (world ^. wdPlayer ^. plActor) move

tryMoveActor is defined as

07_collisions/src/GameEngine.hs (339 to 339)
tryMoveActor :: World -> Actor -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe World

tryMoveActor returns a Maybe World. If the move is not accepted it returns Nothing. runAction uses fromMaybe to return the current world if it gets a Nothing. I.e. nothing changes, unless a Just World is returned.

Working with any actor

There is already a function to get all actors (normal actors and the player’s actor). Let’s add a function that can update (replace) any actor.

07_collisions/src/GameEngine.hs (388 to 393)
-- | Update either the player's actor, or one of the world actors
updateActor :: World -> Actor -> World
updateActor w actor =
  if w ^. wdPlayer ^. plActor ^. acId == (actor ^. acId)
  then w & (wdPlayer . plActor) .~ actor                         -- update the player's actor
  else w & wdActors %~ Map.adjust (const actor) (actor ^. acId)  -- update other actor, nop if aid not found


07_collisions/src/GameEngine.hs (340 to 376)
tryMoveActor :: World -> Actor -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe World
tryMoveActor world actor (dx, dy) =
    -- Get the world bounds
    (minX, maxX, minY, maxY) = world ^. wdConfig ^. cfgMinMaxBounds

    -- Actor's position
    (WorldPos wdPos) = actor ^. acWorldPos 

    -- Where the actor whats to move to, using bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
    tryWorldTo@(tx, ty) = bimap (+ dx) (+ dy) wdPos 
    tryWorldTo' = WorldPos tryWorldTo 

  -- Is the actor trying to move out of the world?
  if tx < minX || ty < minY || tx >= maxX || ty >= maxY
  then Nothing
      -- Entity at destination
      destEntity = (world ^. wdMap ^.at tryWorldTo') 
      destEntityType = _enType <$> destEntity
      -- Actors at destination
      destActors = filter (\a -> a ^. acWorldPos == tryWorldTo') (getAllActors world)
      -- Is the move allowed
      canMove = case (destActors, destEntityType) of
                  ([], Just E.Blank) -> True
                  ([], Just E.Door) -> True
                  ([], Nothing) -> True
                  _ -> False
      if canMove
        let movedActor = actor & acWorldPos .~ tryWorldTo' in
        Just $ updateActor world movedActor

tryWorldTo is the position the actor is trying to move to. It is created by applying the delta (x, y) to the actors current position using bimap, which can apply a function to both parts of the (x, y) tuple.

07_collisions/src/GameEngine.hs (351 to 352)
  -- Where the actor whats to move to, using bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
  tryWorldTo@(tx, ty) = bimap (+ dx) (+ dy) wdPos 

check if the player is trying to move out of the world

07_collisions/src/GameEngine.hs (358 to 361)
  -- Is the actor trying to move out of the world?
  if tx < minX || ty < minY || tx >= maxX || ty >= maxY
  then Nothing

then we check for collisions

07_collisions/src/GameEngine.hs (364 to 382)
    -- Entity at destination
    destEntity = (world ^. wdMap ^.at tryWorldTo') 
    destEntityType = _enType <$> destEntity
    -- Actors at destination
    destActors = filter (\a -> a ^. acWorldPos == tryWorldTo') (getAllActors world)
    -- Is the move allowed
    canMove = case (destActors, destEntityType) of
                ([], Just E.Blank) -> True
                ([], Just E.Door) -> True
                ([], Nothing) -> True
                _ -> False
    if canMove
      let movedActor = actor & acWorldPos .~ tryWorldTo' in
      Just $ updateActor world movedActor

Now the player can’t move over walls and other actors. The player can still move off the screen though, that will be fixed shortly.


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diff -w -B -a -d -u -b --new-file 06_moving/src/GameCore.hs 07_collisions/src/GameCore.hs
--- 06_moving/src/GameCore.hs
+++ 07_collisions/src/GameCore.hs
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@
                    , _wdActors :: !(Map Aid Actor)
-newtype Config = Config { _cfgKeys :: Map Text Text
+data Config = Config { _cfgKeys :: !(Map Text Text)
+                     , _cfgMinMaxBounds :: !(Int, Int, Int, Int) -- (minX, maxX, minY, maxY)


diff -w -B -a -d -u -b --new-file 06_moving/src/GameEngine.hs 07_collisions/src/GameEngine.hs
--- 06_moving/src/GameEngine.hs
+++ 07_collisions/src/GameEngine.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
 import qualified Codec.Compression.BZip as Bz
 import qualified System.Random as Rnd
-import           Control.Lens (_1, (^.), (.~), (%~))
+import           Control.Lens (at, _1, (^.), (.~), (%~))
 import qualified Control.Arrow as Ar
 import           Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, readTVar, newTVar, modifyTVar', TVar)
@@ -111,9 +110,12 @@
                                        , ("b"       , "Move:down-left")
                                        , ("pagedown", "Move:down-right")
-             }
+             , _cfgMinMaxBounds = (0, 30, -30, 0)
+             }
     mkPlayer =
       Player { _plConn = conn
              , _plScreenSize = screenSize
@@ -329,11 +326,69 @@
   foldl' runAction world actions
 runAction :: World -> RogueAction -> World
 runAction world action =
   case action of
-    ActMovePlayer (dx, dy) ->
+    ActMovePlayer move  ->
+      fromMaybe world $ tryMoveActor world (world ^. wdPlayer ^. plActor) move
-      world & (wdPlayer . plActor . acWorldPos) %~ (\(WorldPos (x, y)) -> WorldPos (x + dx, y + dy))
+tryMoveActor :: World -> Actor -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe World
+tryMoveActor world actor (dx, dy) =
+  let
+    -- Get the world bounds
+    (minX, maxX, minY, maxY) = world ^. wdConfig ^. cfgMinMaxBounds
+    -- Actor's position
+    (WorldPos wdPos) = actor ^. acWorldPos 
+    -- Where the actor whats to move to, using bimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
+    tryWorldTo@(tx, ty) = bimap (+ dx) (+ dy) wdPos 
+    tryWorldTo' = WorldPos tryWorldTo 
+  in
+  -- Is the actor trying to move out of the world?
+  if tx < minX || ty < minY || tx >= maxX || ty >= maxY
+  then Nothing
+  else
+    let
+      -- Entity at destination
+      destEntity = (world ^. wdMap ^.at tryWorldTo') 
+      destEntityType = _enType <$> destEntity
+      -- Actors at destination
+      destActors = filter (\a -> a ^. acWorldPos == tryWorldTo') (getAllActors world)
+      -- Is the move allowed
+      canMove = case (destActors, destEntityType) of
+                  ([], Just E.Blank) -> True
+                  ([], Just E.Door) -> True
+                  ([], Nothing) -> True
+                  _ -> False
+      in
+      if canMove
+      then
+        let movedActor = actor & acWorldPos .~ tryWorldTo' in
+        Just $ updateActor world movedActor
+      else
+        Nothing
+-- | Update either the player's actor, or one of the world actors
+updateActor :: World -> Actor -> World
+updateActor w actor =
+  if w ^. wdPlayer ^. plActor ^. acId == (actor ^. acId)
+  then w & (wdPlayer . plActor) .~ actor                         -- update the player's actor
+  else w & wdActors %~ Map.adjust (const actor) (actor ^. acId)  -- update other actor, nop if aid not found


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